On our recent trip to Epcot my sister and I were lucky enough to meet Baymax! This inspired me to write a Big Hero 6 comic book as I noticed when the film was released, a comic book adaptation wasn't. My comic follows the events of the film and answers online rumours that Tadashi Hamada is alive and could quite possibly be Sunfire. I think people made the link between Tadashi because the team first appeared in Marvel's Sunfire & Big Hero 6 #1 (1998).
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Lily, Baymax and I at Epcot. |
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Lily as Honey Lemon. |
- Ellie x
Big Hero 6
Captions are in purple. Hiro is the narrator.
Page 1 - Hiro
1 – Hiro is sitting
on the San Fransokyo Bridge with Baymax. They are looking at the sunset that
falls over the city.
Caption: My name is Hiro. Hiro Hamada. Over the past year my
life has changed a lot.
2 – Close up on Hiro.
Caption: Like a whole lot. It’s been a real
3 – Panel split.
Tadashi alive and well in one half. Tadashi running into a burning building in
the second.
Caption 1: My brother, Tadashi, was a goofball. A loveable
goofball. A smart, inspiring, loveable goofball.
Caption 2: He gave his life to save Professor Callaghan from
a burning building. He didn’t know that it was actually Callaghan himself who started
the fire.
4 – Flashback to the
science exhibition. Hiro showing off his microbots.
Caption: Tadashi died in the same place that we were
celebrating in just hours before. I had won a place at the San Fransokyo
Institute of Technology as I impressed the right people with my microbots.
5 – Outside the San
Fransokyo Institute.
Caption: It was the same institute that Tadashi studied at.
The institute where he introduced me to my superhero team; Honey Lemon, Wasabi,
GoGo and Fred.
6 – Flashback to the
first successful Baymax. Tadashi is very happy that he successfully created
Caption: It’s also the institute where Tadashi created
Baymax. The compassionate healthcare companion who looks just like a
marshmallow. He’s also my best friend.
Page 2 - Baymax
Caption: Baymax has become a bit of a local celebrity. When
he’s not helping us fight crime, he’s at local hospitals, diagnosing and aiding
2 – Baymax receiving
Caption: People love Baymax!
3 – Baymax stroking
Mochi the cat.
Caption: Just like Baymax loves Mochi.
Baymax: Hairy baby.
4 – Aunt Cass in her
café selling Baymax merchandise, talking to a customer.
Caption: My Aunt Cass has started selling Baymax merchandise
from her café which is really helping us out with the bills.
Aunt Cass: So that’s one Baymax soft toy, two Baymax
lollipops and three Baymax t-shirts.
5 – Baymax standing
next to Aunt Cass at the counter. Crowd of people around him.
Caption: I don’t really think Baymax understands just how
famous he is.
Crowd of People: Look! It’s Baymax!
6 – Baymax running
away from the crowd.
Caption: People follow him everywhere he goes.
Crowd of People: Baymax! Baymax! Baymax!
Baymax: I am not fast.
Page 3 - Fred
1 – Fred jumping down
in between Baymax and the crowd. Fred is in full costume.
Caption: Fred really wants to be as famous as Baymax.
Fred: Citizens of San Fransokyo. It is I, the leaping -
2 – Fred punching the
Fred: Punch throwing -
3 – Fred using his
fire power.
Fred: Fire breathing -
4 – Fred bowing.
Fred: Fred!
5 – Crowd looking
stunned. Baymax face palming.
Caption: We’ve all told Fred that he needs a better codename
than just ‘Fred’.
Baymax: Oh dear.
Fred: Hahaha!
6 – The crowd is
Crowd 1: Booo!
Crowd 2: We want Baymax!
7 – Fred and Baymax
looking at each other.
Fred & Baymax: Uh oh.
8 – Both Fred and
Baymax running away together.
Crowd 1: Baymax! Can we take a selfie?
Crowd 2: Who’s Fred?
Crowd 3: Ask me to rate my pain, Baymax!
Pages 4 – 5 GoGo
& Wasabi
1 – Split caption.
GoGo and Wasabi on one side in costume. On the other GoGo is playing sports.
Caption: Both Gogo and Wasabi haven’t really changed much.
Sure they’re superheroes now but Gogo still loves her sports and her speedy
2 – Wasabi looking
Caption: And Wasabi still likes to plan and worry about
everything and anything.
3 – Wasabi sitting
sensibly. Fred jumping up and down next to him.
Caption: Wasabi doesn’t get too excited about all of this
superhero stuff. At least not by Fred’s standards.
4 – Wasabi showing
GoGo his crime map.
Caption: When he’s not studying or working on his plasma
blades, Wasabi works on a crime map of the city that helps the team decide
which particular areas we need to focus our attention on.
Wasabi: There’s a place for everything and everything should
be in its place.
5 – GoGo standing
next to Wasabi by the map.
Caption: When we were escaping the masked Professor
Callaghan, GoGo smashed up Wasabi’s car. It had to be scrapped.
Gogo: Now we’re done looking at this, I’ve got something to
show you outside.
Wasabi: Okay but it’s nothing messy right? Like the trash
can hasn’t been knocked over or anything like that?
6 – GoGo and Wasabi
leaving the lab/common room area of the tech institute.
GoGo: No it’s nothing like that. I felt kinda bad about
wrecking your car the last time I drove it.
Wasabi: I felt kinda bad about that too.
7 – GoGo presenting a
new car to Wasabi outside.
GoGo: So I’ve been working some extra shifts at Aunt Cass’
place and I managed to save up enough for an old car. I then upgraded it in the
lab so now it’s basically brand new.
Wasabi: No way! This is so cool!
8 – GoGo showing
Wasabi some features of the new car.
GoGo: Your new wheels can survive our next supervillain
crisis. It’s resistant to heat, to ice, to tidal waves, pretty much anything that’s
Wasabi: Thanks GoGo. You have no idea how much I appreciate
9 – Wasabi hugs GoGo.
GoGo looks embarrassed.
GoGo: Don’t go getting soppy on me, man.
Page 6 – Honey Lemon
1 – Honey Lemon in
her lab coat, working.
Caption: Honey Lemon has been worrying me lately. She’s
almost taken Tadashi’s death as hard as I have.
2 – Close up on a
photo of Honey Lemon and Tadashi on her desk.
Caption: There are rumours going around the institute that
Honey Lemon and Tadashi were dating just before he died.
3 – Honey Lemon
looking at different chemical tubes on her desk.
Caption: I think that’s why Honey has thrown herself into
her work. She has so many different projects going on that none of us can keep
up with her.
4 – Honey Lemon
spotting a missing vial. The spot is labelled with a flame.
Honey Lemon: Tadashi…what were you working on?
5 – Honey Lemon
looking on the computer.
Honey Lemon in thought: If I can access Tadashi’s account
then maybe I’ll discover the mystery behind the missing chemistry vial.
Page 7
1 – Computer screen
shows access denied. Honey Lemon cannot guess Tadashi’s log in details.
Honey Lemon in thought: I think I’ve got his correct
username. It’s just the password I am struggling with.
2 – Honey Lemon on
her mobile phone.
Honey Lemon in thought: Luckily I invented an app that can
hack most accounts. If I just enter Tadashi’s username on my phone, his
password should appear.
3 – Phone says “Password:
Baymax1998” (1998 is the year Baymax first appeared in the comic books.)
Honey Lemon: Yes! I’ve got it! I’ve got
the password!
4 – Honey Lemon
enters the password on the computer.
Honey Lemon in thought: Now I have access to Tadashi’s
account I can see the files he last accessed.
5 – Computer screen
shows the same flame symbol that was on the label of the missing vial.
Honey Lemon in thought: That’s weird. There’s an icon here
that matches the missing vial.
6 – The mouse curser
clicks on the flame icon.
Honey Lemon in thought: This will help me figure out what
Tadashi’s last project was after Baymax.
Page 8
1 – Lots of chemical
equations appear on the screen.
Honey Lemon in thought: Wow. Tadashi created a chemical that
can make whoever exposed to it completely flame resistant. This compound can
withstand extremely high temperatures.
2 – Honey Lemon spots
a photo of Tadashi and Hiro’s Dad dressed as a fire fighter.
Honey Lemon in thought: Tadashi created Baymax to help heal
the world. Maybe he also wanted to invent something that will help firefighting
heroes like his Dad.
3 – Honey Lemon
looking down, teary eyes.
Honey Lemon in thought: If only Tadashi had the chemical the
night he died. He would have survived the fire.
Pages 9 - 10
1 – The team sitting
in Aunt Cass’ café.
Caption: I was happy when Honey Lemon called an emergency
meeting. We haven’t heard much from her recently and as I said before, she’s
been worrying me.
Hiro: Honey, are you okay?
Baymax: Do you need me to check your emotional state?
2 – Close up on Honey
Honey Lemon: I’m fine. I am sorry that I’ve been so
disconnected from you all recently. Tadashi’s death was hard for us all,
especially you Hiro.
3 – Hiro looking
down. Honey Lemon still speaking next to him.
Honey Lemon: When I saw San Fransokyo’s dependence on Baymax
it made me think about any other inventions Tadashi may have had been working
4 – Focus on GoGo.
GoGo: So you’ve been in the lab to see if you can recover
Tadashi’s projects?
Honey Lemon: Yes.
5 – Focus on Wasabi.
Wasabi: Isn’t that like an invasion of his privacy?
Shouldn’t you have talked to us about it first?
Honey Lemon: Maybe but that’s not the point right now.
6 – Fred looking
Fred: Did you find like an awesome alien species that
Tadashi discovered and didn’t tell anyone about? Like they wanted Tadashi to
take them to our leader but instead he went all science-y on them?
Honey Lemon: No.
7 – Hiro looking
Hiro: Then what did you find?
8 – Honey Lemon
looking directly at Hiro.
Honey Lemon: Hiro, I don’t know if this means anything but
your brother was working on a chemical compound that if someone consumed could
leave them resistant to the highest of temperatures. The actual sample is
missing from the lab so if Tadashi had it with him then maybe -
Hiro: Maybe Tadashi survived?
9 – Wasabi looking
Wasabi: No Honey, no. Don’t give Hiro that false hope. We
have no proof that Tadashi is still alive.
Hiro: But if there’s a chance that my brother survived then
I want to follow it up. I need to follow it up.
10 – GoGo looking
GoGo: We buried him, Hiro.
Hiro: No! What Honey Lemon said, what she found, it could
change everything.
Page 11
1 – Fred putting his
hand on Hiro’s shoulder.
Fred: Dude. People don’t just come back from the dead. Not even
in the comic books really.
Hiro: We’re not in one of your stupid comics Fred!
2 – Hiro taking
Fred’s hand off his shoulder.
Hiro: I need to go.
3 – Hiro leaves the
café and goes upstairs to his room.
Hiro: I just need some time. Come on Baymax.
4 – Baymax follows
Baymax: Goodbye friends.
5 – Honey Lemon,
GoGo, Fred and Wasabi still at the table.
Wasabi: I hope you’re right about this Honey. I really do.
Page 12
1 – Hiro laying on
his bed in his room.
Caption: If Honey Lemon is right then why hasn’t Tadashi
come home?
2 – Hiro looking at
the phone.
Caption: Or at least called me?
3 – Baymax sitting on
the bed that Hiro is laying on.
Baymax: I see you are emotionally distressed.
Hiro: Ya think?
4 – Baymax giving
Hiro a lollipop.
Baymax: Here. Have a lollipop.
Hiro: Thanks.
5 – Hiro looking up
at Baymax.
Hiro: Do you think that Tadashi is still alive?
Baymax: He lives in all who loved and cared about him.
6 – Hiro looking
Hiro: I mean, do you think that Tadashi maybe never died?
Baymax: Perhaps.
Page 13
1 – Hiro looking at
Tadashi’s side of the room.
Hiro: Baymax, if Tadashi is out there he might need our
help. That could be why he hasn’t come home.
Baymax: You said help. I will scan you now.
2 – Baymax scans
Hiro: No don’t scan me!
Baymax: Scan paused.
3 – Hiro has a
lightbulb moment.
Hiro: You’ve just given me an idea. A really good idea.
Baymax: Can I assist you in any way?
4 – Hiro races across
the room to his computer. He is creating a new chip for Baymax.
Hiro: I’m going to need you to let me insert a new chip into
your access port.
Baymax: I cannot grant you access.
5 – Close up on
Baymax’s access port.
Hiro: I promise you I will never remove your healthcare chip
again, Baymax.
Page 14
1 – Hiro showing Baymax
a new blue chip.
Hiro: I just created a chip that will let you scan the whole
of San Fransokyo for anyone we’re looking for. If Tadashi is out there, we’ll
find him.
2 – Baymax doubting
Baymax: Will this help me be a better healthcare companion?
Hiro: Yes. Please Baymax.
3 – Baymax opening
his access port.
Baymax: I can now grant you access.
Hiro: I really hope this works.
4 – Hiro inserts the
new chip into Baymax.
Hiro: Okay.
5 – Baymax’s port
closes. Hiro takes his arm away.
Hiro: Baymax, scan this room.
Baymax: Scan complete. Hiro Hamada, GoGo Tomago, Honey
Lemon, Wasabi and Fred found.
6 – Hiro looks
Hiro: Huh? That’s not right.
Page 15
1 – The team are all
standing by Hiro’s open bedroom door. They have come to see if Hiro is okay.
GoGo: Baymax is right.
Fred: We’ve come to see if you are okay.
Honey Lemon: Hiro, I am sorry if I upset you earlier.
2 – Hiro looking at
his team.
Hiro: I’m glad you’re all here. It means Baymax’s new
scanner works! He can scan a room and tell me exactly who is in it.
3 – Wasabi looking
Wasabi: Hiro, this is too much power. We’re not meant to
have access to this level of technology.
Hiro: But it’s kinda awesome, right?
4 – Wasabi sighing.
Wasabi: Yeah kid, it’s kinda awesome.
5 – Honey Lemon
looking at Baymax.
Honey Lemon: Are you ready to search for Tadashi?
Hiro: I-I think so.
6 – GoGo speaking
with Hiro.
GoGo: Hiro, if Baymax doesn’t detect your brother, we’re
here for you.
Hiro: I know.
Page 16
1 – Hiro looking at
Baymax. The team are together.
Hiro: Baymax, scan San Fransokyo for Tadashi Hamada.
Baymax: Scanning.
2 – Team looking
Baymax: Scanning.
3 – Fred in suspense.
Fred: C’mon, c’mon.
4 – Close up on
Baymax: Scan complete. Tadashi Hamada is nowhere in San
5 – Hiro looking
Hiro: No! Baymax, scan San Fransokyo for Tadashi Hamada.
Wasabi: Hiro, don’t.
Page 17
1 – Close up on
Baymax: Scan complete. Tadashi Hamada found.
2 – Wasabi looking
Wasabi: See Hiro – wait.
3 – Wasabi looking
excited at Baymax.
Wasabi: Did you just say Tadashi Hamada found?
4 – Baymax on repeat.
Baymax: Tadashi Hamada found.
5 – Hiro looking
Hiro: Say it again!
6 - Baymax on repeat.
Baymax: Tadashi Hamada found.
7 – The group are
jumping for joy.
Honey Lemon: I was right!
Hiro: My brother is alive.
Fred: Yes!
Wasabi: I can’t believe it.
GoGo: Tadashi!
Page 18
1 – Hiro has his
hands on Baymax’s arms.
Hiro: Baymax, where is he?
2 – Big Panel. Baymax
is projecting a map of San Fransokyo. An orange stickman marks where Tadashi
is. Other people are in blue.
Baymax: Tadashi is located at Krei Tech. North West of San
Fransokyo Institute of Technology.
3 – Hiro looking mad.
Hiro: Krei Tech? As in the office Alistair Krei owns?
GoGo: I knew I didn’t like that guy.
4 – Hiro looking at
the projected map.
Hiro: We have to go save Tadashi.
Wasabi: We don’t know if he needs saving.
Page 19
1 – Everyone looking
at Wasabi.
Hiro: What do you mean?
Wasabi: Maybe Tadashi is working with Krei? What if he had
to fake his own death to land a secret job there or something?
2 – Hiro & Honey
Lemon in doubt.
Hiro: No, my brother wouldn’t do that to me.
Honey Lemon: Or to us.
3 – Wasabi crouching
down to Hiro’s level.
Wasabi: All I’m saying is we can’t go to Krei’s on a rescue
mission as Tadashi might not need rescuing.
Page 20
1 – One page of Krei
Tech Industries. Krei and an assistant are walking over a bridge above numerous
plastic looking cells. Super humans inside each cell.
Krei: Recent reports on our super human programme please.
Assistant: Operation Sunfire is looking promising.
Krei: Interesting. When can that study go live?
Assistant: We are expecting to release Sunfire into the city
on his first mission in just a matter of days.
Page 21
1 – Krei and
assistant standing outside a cell, looking in at a human fireball.
Krei: This super human programme is going to get this
company a global level of recognition.
2 – Close up on Krei.
Krei: We are going to release superheroes into the world. No
city will be left powerless. Levels of crime will be reduced, wars will be won.
3 – Krei looking
Krei: Then when the world is at peace, we will release the
second wave of super humans. A wave of villains. Our heroes will never have to
stop fighting. Krei Industries will have more money than we can ever dream
4 – Krei walking away
from the cell with the human fireball in.
Krei: Release the air pressurised water in cell #137.
5 – A large volume of water is dropped inside the human fireball’s
Computer: Releasing extinguisher.
Page 22
Captions in red to highlight the
change in narrator.
1 – The water is
being drained from the cell.
Caption: I’m not meant to be a super human. I was not born
with powers.
2 – Dark figure
sitting inside the cell.
Caption: I created a chemical. A chemical that saved my
3 – Tadashi revealed.
Caption: My name is Tadashi. Tadashi Hamada. The world
thinks I died when I ran into a burning building to save my professor.
4 – Close up on
Caption: The world is wrong. I am alive but barely. The
chemical compound I created meant I survived the fire but it left me with
powers that I cannot control.
5 – Tadashi on fire.
Caption: I need to escape this place but I can’t just yet.
Not until I learn to control the fire within me.
6 – Tadashi looking
Caption: Hiro, I will be home soon. Just you wait and see.
To be continued in Big Hero 6 #2.
Thank you for reading.
Please check out my other comic books I have written for fun and for practice;
An All-Ages Harley Quinn 3 Issue Series
Batgirl Holiday Special #1
Please check out my other comic books I have written for fun and for practice;
An All-Ages Harley Quinn 3 Issue Series
Batgirl Holiday Special #1
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