I have spent a bit of time in Florida this Christmas which has been great as I have managed to catch up on a lot of comic books and some comic book writing for practice. As I have recently read the new 52, Batgirl #1-40, I was inspired to write my own Batgirl story set at Christmas time.
In my special, Batgirl is trying to escape Gotham for a little bit and so she travels to Smallville to stay with Supergirl for the holidays. Even though Gotham has been quiet recently, Batgirl runs into Poison Ivy who is attacking a Christmas tree farm and Harley Quinn who has broken into a toy shop. I enjoyed writing the Harley Quinn part the most as I revealed that Harley knows exactly who Batgirl is and apologies for what happened to her on the Joker's behalf. When Batgirl finally makes it to Smallville, her and Supergirl go to a local arts and crafts place where Clayface is causing a whole lot of trouble.
Please look back at my previous blog posts to read three issues of an all-age Harley Quinn series! The link for #1 can be found here.
I hope you enjoy the read and please let me know what you think in the comments below! :)
Happy Holidays!
Ellie x
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I sadly can't find who drew this wonderful piece of art but I love it! |
Batgirl Holiday
Special #1
Page 1 –Opening page. Batgirl in action. Little Barbara learning in the background.
1 – In captions
across the page.
When I was little I learnt how to walk.
Then I learnt how to run.
To skip.
To dance.
To run.
To kick.
Then I got shot and all of that was taken away from me.
Page 2
1 – Flashback to
implant surgery.
In caption: Then I had an operation which gave me the chance
to start all over.
In caption: I learnt how to walk again. To run again. To
skip and dance and run and kick again.
In caption: I’m even wearing my cape and cowl again and I
love it. I love being Batgirl.
In caption: But right now it’s Christmas and I’m tired. I am
SO tired.
5 – Barbara looking
out of window, Batsignal in sky.
In caption: Gotham won’t let me sleep and I really need a
break. Bruce hates the holidays and so he will be pulling extra shifts as the
Dark Knight to avoid the JLA Christmas parties and Alfred’s movie marathons.
In caption: My Dad is also working extra shifts to keep this
city safe. I can’t remember the last time we spent Christmas day together.
In caption: So I think Gotham can handle a few nights
without me. Well at least I hope it can. I really need a winter getaway.
8 – Barbara looking
at a photo of her and Supergirl.
In caption: And I know just who to call.
Page 3
1 – Barbara dialling
numbers on her bedside phone. Alarm says 03:59am.
Barbara: Hey Kara. It’s me. I know it’s late, or should I
say early? Whatever, doesn’t matter. Can you talk?
2 – Supergirl
punching a bad guy while answering mobile.
Supergirl: Sure. I’m not doing anything important. What’s
3 – Back to Bab’s
Barbara: I was just wondering if I could please come and
stay with you for a bit.
4 – Back to Supergirl
who is now tying up the bad guy with tinsel to a lamppost.
Supergirl: Why? Is everything okay?
5 – Back to the
Barbara: Oh yeah, everything is fine. I just really need a
break and we haven’t seen each other in a while so I thought it could be fun.
6 – Supergirl flying
away from the street.
Supergirl: Of course you can come stay. I’m at Ma and Pa
Kent’s house. You know where that is right?
7 – Barbara getting out
a suitcase, packing clothes.
Barbara: I’ll find it. Thanks Kara. See you soon!
Page 4
1 – Big panel, Batgirl on motorbike.
In caption: Gotham has been quiet recently. Strangely quiet.
I thought I’d drive to Smallville in costume just in case anything bad came
2 – Mutant vines
growing up form forest.
In caption: Oh look, something bad just came up. Wonderful
timing Gotham. Simply wonderful.
3 – Batgirl driving
towards the forest.
In caption: Most people run away from danger. They don’t
drive towards it. I guess that’s why they don’t wear a costume, lurk on top of
building and hang out in caves.
4 – Close up on
Batgirl’s face.
In caption: Non-crime fighters are missing out
though. I get free cake at my local bakery when I show up in costume. After
opening hours of course. I can’t let the good people of Gotham think that I put
my life at risk all the time just for some free tasty treats.
Page 5
1 – Batgirl arriving at steel gates. A small hut selling Christmas trees is behind it. Mutant vines growing around the hut, squeezing it.
In caption: I think this might be the signature work of a
Miss Pamela Isley. Also known as, Poison Ivy.
2 – Batgirl hopping
the gate.
In caption: And I think I might know why she is here. This
is a Christmas tree farm, a small family owned business. They grow trees, chop
them down and sell them to other families for the holidays.
3 – Batgirl
inspecting the mutant vine. Hand stroking it.
In caption: An eco-terrorist like Ivy might not find this as
fun and festive as the rest of us Gothamites do.
4 – Vines grab
Batgirl’s arm.
In caption: Damn it. I should really know by now to stay
away from the thing that could kill me.
5 – Batgirl taking a
batarang from her utility belt.
In caption: But like I said before, I don’t run away from
6 – Batgirl cutting
her arm free from the plant.
Batgirl: Ha!
Poison Ivy: Noooo! My baby!
Page 6
1 – Poison Ivy in full view. We see the back of Batgirl, she’s ready for action.
Poison Ivy: Batgirl. Leave now and I’ll try and overlook
what you just did.
Batgirl: No can do, Ivy. The family who owns this farm needs
to put food on their table and they’re not doing anything wrong. Not according
to the law at least.
2 – Ivy looking
Poison Ivy: You think I care about the law? You think I care
about the family who allow these trees to be harvested and sold only for them
to be dumped or burnt or sent to a chipper?
Batgirl: You should.
Poison Ivy: I don’t.
3 – Poison Ivy
summoning plans to attack. Batgirl does a back flip.
Poison Ivy: Tonight I am protecting Mother Nature. I am not
going to allow you to stand in my way.
Batgirl in caption: Ivy’s serious. Like deadly serious. I’m
going to have to confuse her. Take her by surprise. Maybe talk a bit to
distract her?
4 – Batgirl dropping
smoke pellet.
Batgirl: Listen to me, from one red to another, I do get it.
I love the environment. I recycle. I re-use stuff. I walk like everywhere.
In caption: I love being able to say that I walk. How cool
is that?
5 – Batgirl jumping
to the roof of the hut. Poison Ivy trying to see.
Batgirl: But it’s Christmas…
In caption: I’ve got one chance to take Ivy out.
6 – Batgirl glide kicking Ivy.
Batgirl: So stop being such a Grinch.
Ivy: Ugh!
Page 7
1 – Ivy unconscious.
In caption: I feel kinda bad about coming down so hard on
Ivy but she didn’t give me much of a choice.
2 – Batgirl
handcuffing her to the steel gates.
In caption: I also don’t feel so great about leaving her
handcuffed to the gate whilst she is unconscious.
3 – Batgirl using
mobile to contact GCPD.
In caption: I’ve contacted the cops and hopefully they will
get here in no time so I’ve got to go. I’m not really in the mood to stick
around and make small talk.
4 – Batgirl driving
away on bike as a GCPD car pulls up. Lights flashing.
In caption: I didn’t get a Christmas card from a single
officer this year.
5 – Batgirl back on
an open road. Gotham City in site.
In caption: Okay Babs. You’ve got a clear road ahead of you.
You can probably get to Smallville in about an hour as long as –
6 – Boom coming from
the City.
In caption: Aw hell.
Page 8
1 – Batgirl driving
under a sign which says ‘Gotham City’. Next to it is an exit sign to
In caption: Well it looks like I am being re-routed again.
2 – Batgirl driving
around a street corner.
In caption: I can see smoke coming from what I think is a
toy shop? ‘Build-A-Bot’ to be specific. My Dad used to take me and my brother
here when we were kids on our birthdays. It was great.
3 – Parking up outside of the toy shop.
In caption: So I am pretty ticked off that someone decided
to break into it. Tonight of all nights.
4 – Batgirl
inspecting the slightly open door. Smoke coming from the handle.
In caption: It looks like a controlled explosive was used to
open the door. That explains the smoke.
5 – Batgirl pausing.
Delaying her entry.
In caption: I’m reluctant to go in. It’s like a trip down
memory lane which I am definitely not ready for. Not since my brother was well…
you know. I thought I killed him. I really thought I crossed that line. The
line that Bruce set in solid stone. That Dick, Tim and I all abide by.
6 – Flashback to when
Batgirl was with Huntress and Black Canary. Happy that her brother was still
In caption: Then when I found out James was still alive I
was happy. I didn’t have to look in the mirror and see a murderer anymore. I
hadn’t sunk to his level.
7 – Batgirl looking
In caption: But I was also scared. Scared of the unknown. I
have no idea where James is. I’ve set up my computer to alert me on any
sightings but so far there’s been nothing.
8 – Batgirl looking
through the toy shop’s open door.
In caption: I wonder if he could be in this building. Trying
to remind me of our childhood together. Trying to make me feel guilty about
what I did. And I do. But James won’t understand that.
Page 9
1 – Batgirl running
In caption: If James is in here then I am ready. When you’re
Batgirl, you have to be ready.
2 – Batgirl sneaking
past a huge teddy bear.
In caption: You also have to expect the unexpected.
3 – Batgirl being hit
with a mallet.
Batgirl: Ahh.
4 – Batgirl on the
In caption: I hate to say it but I didn’t expect that.
Neither did my cowl. I don’t know if I can take another hit like that.
5 – Harley in classic
costume on top of a tall doll house on display. Harley is holding the mallet.
Harley Quinn: Bratgirl! What’cha doin’ here?
Batgirl: That’s funny.
6 – Batgirl leaping
In caption: It’s not James. Thank God it’s not James. But
Harley Quinn is here and I really hate clowns. Especially her on-again,
off-again boyfriend. The Joker.
Batgirl: I was going to ask you the exact same thing.
Page 10
In caption: I have to separate myself from this situation. Harley is not the Joker.
Harley: Ouch!
In caption: When I worked more closely with Batman I used to feel sorry for Harley.
Harley: Hey – that hurts. Stop it!
In caption: Now I am treating her just as the Joker did. Damn it.
Batgirl: I’m sorry. I need to learn to talk first and throw punches later.
Harley: Too right.
Harley: I’m just doin’ an innocent bit of Christmas shoppin’.
Batgirl: You hit me over the head with a mallet. Plus the store is shut, you can’t go ‘shopping’ after hours.
Harley: Then why do I see ya sneak into that bakery in the early hours of the morning for some cake, huh?
Batgirl: That’s different. You’re not meant to know about that.
Page 11
1 – Batgirl looking
at Harley who is hugging her toy robot.
Batgirl: Look, Harley. I’ll cut you a deal. If you leave
some cash on the counter for your toys and a little bit extra for the broken
door, I’ll let you go. Okay?Harley: Really? Do ya mean it?
Batgirl: I do but if you ever tell anyone I will absolutely deny it.
Harley: Yipee! I take back almost every mean word I’ve ever said about ya.
Harley: Wait. I also need to apologise.
Batgirl: For what? Breaking into the toy shop?
Harley: Well yeah and somethin’ else. When I was with the Joker he told me everythin’. His plans. What he did… what I think he did to ya.
Batgirl: To me?
In caption: There’s no way. There’s no way Harley can know
exactly what her psycho ex did to me.
Harley: I used to be a physiatrist which means I’m smart. Three
years ago Mr J… I mean the Joker, shot a girl. She was about your age. She’s
the Commish’s kid. Then you, Batgirl, disappeared and the B-Man really went to
town on the Joker.
In caption: Harley knows. She knows who I am.
Harley: That means that Bats took it personally, right? When
I heard about what puddin’… I mean the Joker did, I felt sorry for the kid. I
kept track on her progress and as soon as I heard she was all better, Batgirl
was back. Coincidence? I think not!
In caption: I can’t believe Harley knows.
Harley: So if I’m right, which ya don’t have to confirm or
deny, I’m sorry for what the Joker did. Barbara sounds like a good kid.
Batgirl: Yes. Yes she is.
Page 12
1 – Harley strapping
on roller blades. Batgirl standing back.
Harley: So I’m glad she’s all good and thanks for lettin’ me
go. Mr Freeze is about to start a snow storm and I don’t wanna miss it.
Batgirl: A snow storm? Should I be worried about that?
2 – Harley biting her
lip, knowing she said too much.
Harley: Um… no?
Batgirl: If you’re sure.
In caption: I’m going to let Batman deal with that.
Harley: See ya cutie! Ya secret is safe with me.
Batgirl: Stay out of trouble Harley. I mean it. Next time I won’t
let you go.
In caption: I actually believe that Harley is going to keep
what she knows about me a secret. Otherwise she would have told everyone by
Page 13
1 – Sign showing
Smallville is closer.
In caption: It’s been such a crazy night. I am so glad to be
getting away from Gotham.In caption: I was meant to be here ages ago. I hope I’m not waking anyone up.
In caption: Ahh Superman! Superman is here? Of course he is, this is his home and it’s Christmas.
Clark: Hello Barbara. Kara told me we were expecting you.
Batgirl: He-hey Superman.
Clark: It’s just Clark here. Don’t worry about what they
call me when I’m in the cape.
Batgirl: I’m sorry. I don’t know why but I just wasn’t
expecting to see you here.
In caption: I can’t believe I’m sitting down on Superman’s sofa. This is crazy!
Clark: I try and make it home whenever I can and Christmas
is a time for family. Speaking of which, did Bruce send you here? Is he playing
the part of a detective and trying to figure out what I’m getting him for
Batgirl: Um, no, I just wanted to get away from Gotham for a
little bit. I haven’t actually got anything for Bruce myself. Do you two swap
Clark: Every year. I’m not surprised he keeps that a secret
Page 14
1 – Kara running down
the stairs in PJS.
Kara: Babs! You’re here.
Kara: I’m hoping you’ve got a spare change of clothes and
you’re not going to be in costume all holiday.
Batgirl: Don’t worry, I’ve got stuff in my case.
Kara: Come on, you can change in my room. We’ll talk to you
later Kal-El.
Batgirl: Are you sure everyone is okay with me staying here?
I don’t want to intrude.
Kara: Absolutely, the more the merrier. Martian Manhunter
once stayed here for Christmas. That was pretty cool.
Page 15
Kara: So what do you want to do while you’re here in
Barbara: I guess I haven’t really thought about that. I am
just so relieved to get out of Gotham. I literally can’t go anywhere without
running into trouble. I had to stop both Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn on my way
Kara: Living in the city must have some pretty great
benefits though, right? I love Smallville but sometimes it just feels a little
too small, you know?
Barbara: I guess the grass is always greener, huh? Have you
got any plans for the next few days?
Kara: Just one. There’s this pottery place where you can
shape, design and paint a pot. I thought I might make my Christmas presents
there. I know Ma and Pa will love it.
Barbara: That sounds perfect. I am totally up for doing
Page 16 – Barbara and
Kara are facing a monstrous sized Clayface at the pottery place.
I take it back. I am totally not up for doing this.
Why is Clayface here in Smallville?
Trust Gotham to follow me here.
Page 17
1 – Flashback to a
few minutes ago. Barbara and Kara spinning clay to make pots.
In caption: Just a little while ago Kara and I were crafting
our pots out of clay.
2 – Focus on the clay
being spun.
In caption: Little did we know that the clay we were using
actually belonged to Clayface!
3 – Angry looking
In caption: And he didn’t seem happy about being used for
arts and crafts. Not even just a little bit.
4 – Back to present.
Similar to page 16.
In caption: So here I am, on my winter vacation with one of
my best friends and we are about to go head to head with another bad guy. And
we left our costumes at home. Great.
5 – Barbara
discussing tactics with Kara.
Barbara: Kara, there are lots of people here including kids.
We can’t risk you freezing Clayface and making him fall back. He could make the
whole building collapse. So let me deal with Clayface while you get as many
people as you can out of here. Good plan?
Kara: Good plan. As soon as this building is empty I’m
coming back to help.
Barbara: Deal.
Page 18
1 – Kara rushing to
help people. Barbara staying put.
In caption: I’m lucky to have Kara on my side. Without her
here I wouldn’t know how I could save everyone and take down Clayface at the
same time.
In caption: I’ve got to think now. Really think. Think about
how Clayface got here. Think about why he is attacking this place and most
importantly think about how I can stop him.
Batman would have a plan by now but he’s not here. I’m here.
I can do this. So instead of thinking about what Bruce would do, I’m going to
Clayface: Aren’t you going to run from me red head?
In caption: What would Batgirl do?
Barbara: I’m not scared of you.
In caption: I think I’ve got a plan.
Clayface: You should be.
Page 19
In caption: The only good thing about Clayface attacking us
here is that there are so many potential weapons surrounding us. Our best bet
is to use the pottery wheels to take Clayface apart, piece by piece.
Clayface: My arm!
Barbara: Kara! Freeze it!
Kara: I really hope this plan of yours will work.
Barbara: It will!
In caption: We’ve slowed him down but just by a little bit.
We have to keep going. He seems so confident. I hate that.
Clayface: I’m going to get you girlies.
5 – Barbara using a pottery
wheel to take off his other arm.
In caption: Thankfully, I’m confident too.
Barbara: Are you really sure about that? Because you’re two
arms down so far.
Clayface: Argh. In caption: This will work. My plan is going to work.
Barbara: And now presenting to you my most grand piece of
artwork yet…
1 – Barbara kicking
the remains of Clayface onto a large pottery wheel.
In caption: This is awesome. Barbara: Which I’d like to call…
In caption: Totally awesome.
Barbara: Festive Face of Clay.
Barbara: Would you mind doing the honours by heating up the pottery wheel for me?
Kara: My pleasure.
In caption: We did it.
Kara: All done.
Barbara: Thanks.
In caption: We just took on Clayface and we won.
Kara: So do we stick around and help tidy up?
Barbara: If we were in costume then yes but I think it’s too
risky for us to stay right now. People might start speculating.
In caption: This is the best Christmas ever. Thank you
Kara: What are we going to do with Clayface now?
Barbara: I owe an old friend a Christmas present and I think
something handmade like this may be just right.
1 – Alfred
approaching Bruce who is in his full Batman costume, sitting at the computer.
Alfred: Master Bruce, a special delivery has just arrived
for you from Miss Gordon. There was quite the humorous note attached which I
took the liberty to read. It argued that if Superman can give you a Christmas
gift then so can she.
Batman: … Is that Clayface?
Alfred: Oh I do say.
Clayface: Bah humbug.
Thanks for reading!
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