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The cover to Power Punch Boot Camp! |
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Page 1 - The origins of Skylark! |
I am very fortunate to be working on Power Punch Boot Camp with Kurt Wood (Amateur Thumb War Comics) as I am able to see my script come to life with his wonderful artwork!
Although I have plans for a second Power Punch Boot Camp graphic novel and a collection of short campfire stories, I have recently been working on an all new comic book which I have decided to post right here on this blog!
The working title for this comic book is Show and Tell and here is a synopsis for the very first issue;
#1 BRIEF SYNOPSIS: Everybody
has a different definition of their perfect summer. For some, sunny weather means
days playing on the beach. For others, clear blue skies means picnics in the
park. For school girl Lily-Pad, the perfect summer is finding a way to defeat
her new and very evil neighbours, Mable and Marcella Monstruo. In order to save
the City of Saintsville from terrifying monster attacks, Lily-Pad battles
through poisonous cookies, man-eating plants and gulps down potions of power,
all with the help of her strange little pet sidekick, Big Buddy!
Lily-Pad is a nature loving kid who cares for everything that surrounds her. During her summer vacation, Lily-Pad goes from bird watching to crafting a plan to uncover her new neighbours’ dark secret. From collecting clues in a scrapbook to drinking powerful potions, Lily-Pad does whatever it takes to save the City of Saintsville from future monster attacks.
Mabel Monstruo may appear to be a sweet old Grandma but watch out for her poisonous cookies and incredibly dangerous garden! Back in her golden days, Mable Monstruo was the villainous Ms Mash who unleashed the Monsters who Smash in the City of Saintsville. Despite being the one who put the monsters under the beds, Mabel’s evil purpose was to never terrorise the town. Instead, she was searching for something. Something that she had lost. Enter Big Buddy!
BIG BUDDY (Evolves from ‘Crazy Pet’ to ‘Lil’ Buddy’ to at last ‘Big Buddy’)
Loyal, hungry and very sassy, Big Buddy found himself to be
a homeless pet after accidentally running away from his previous owner, Ms
Mash, many years ago. Luckily for Big Buddy, Lily-Pad gave him a home which came
with all of the ice cream in the world! To this day it isn’t exactly clear what
kind of species Big Buddy is, although he is definitely some kind of strange
looking mini-monster!
Marcella is the granddaughter of Mable Monstruo and has
vowed to continue the search for Big Buddy. Having been born with the same
powers as her Grandma, Marcella can telepathically control monsters and fire up
at will. Although Marcella and Lily-Pad are the same age, the good vs evil
divide makes it very difficult for them to become friends.
So now you've read the synopsis and character guide, it's time to read the transcript for SHOW AND TELL #1! Enjoy!
Page 1 - This page
takes place in a primary school classroom. The kids have all just come back
from their summer holidays and are taking part in show and tell.
Panel 1 –The Bonester
is at the front of the room, sharing his experience at Power Punch Boot Camp.
Kids in awe.
In Caption: Saintsville School. Monday morning.
The Bonester: I could see the world domination device, it
was right there in front of me. My team were all like “No Bonester, that’s too
much power for anyone” and I just laughed at ‘em and pushed the button.*
Note in caption: *Check out powerpunchbootcamp.tumblr.com
for the full story!
Panel 2 – The Bonester is waving his arms frantically, he’s really showing off, clearly excited by his own story. Holding a crown in one hand.
The Bonester: And then I became king of the world and you’re
all peasants in comparison to me! HAHAHAHA!
Panel 3 – Teacher
looking angry at the Bonester. The Bonester sighing.
Teacher: Now Buster, we don’t call fellow classmates peasants.
It’s not very nice. Apologise and sit back down please.
The Bonester: Fine, fine but one more thing…
Panel 4 – The
Bonester has one fist on his chest and is looking up to the sky. Two kids
having a hushed conversation at their desks, watching him.
The Bonester: R.I.P Professor Pain.
Classroom Kid 1: Somebody died?
Classroom Kid 2: Shh! Buster is so much cooler now that he’s
achieved world domination.
Panel 5 – Teacher
looking worried, the Bonester returning to his desk.
Teacher: Thank you for sharing that um lovely experience with us, Buster. Now who hasn’t yet shared their summer story? Lily-Pad? How about you?
Panel 6 – Kids all
turn to look at Lily-Pad who is sat by the window.
Lily-Pad: Okay! I’ll go next!
Page 2
Panel 1 – Lily-Pad at
the front of the classroom, holding a plant pot which is covered by a blanket.
Lily-Pad: In my hands I am holding something very delicate
and very special. My Mum said I shouldn’t bring it into school because she’s
worried that I’ll lose it and I’ll get upset. So I had to sneak it in!
Panel 2 – Lily-Pad
takes the blanket off the plant pot to show everyone a tiny man-eating plant
with very sharp teeth, wearing a pink bow.
Lily-Pad: This is Daisy. Isn’t she just precious?Classroom Kid 4: Run away!
Teacher: Don’t worry children, Daisy is wearing a pink bow! Nothing
truly threatening wears a pink bow.
Panel 4 – Daisy has
stretched from her plant pot which Lily-Pad is still holding and has the
teacher’s head in her mouth.
Teacher: I stand corrected.
Lily-Pad: No Daisy! We’ve talked about this!
Panel 5 – Kids
looking stunned. Classroom in complete silence. Apart from the Bonester who is
crying with laughter.
The Bonester: HAHAHAHA!
Lily-Pad: Well guys, this is as good a time as ever to tell
you how I found Daisy.
Classroom Kid: You think?
2 – Lily-Pad
birdwatching from her bedroom window, looking out with binoculars.
Lily-Pad in caption: “The summer started as it usually does.
I was birdwatching from my bedroom window.”
Lily-Pad in thought bubble: I can see a pigeon and a magpie
and ooh…
3 – Zoomed in on a crazy looking skinny alien-like homeless pet. It looks really, really crazy!
Lily-Pad: I wonder what type of bird that little cutie-pie
4 – Lily-Pad is now
outside, searching for the crazy pet. A set of eyes can be seen peering out of
a bush.
Lily-Pad: Here cutie, cutie, cutie. Where arrrrre you?
Lily-Pad in caption: “It turned out that what I found wasn’t
a bird at all!”
Crazy pet: Rawwwr!
Lily-Pad: AHHHHH!
Page 4
1 – The crazy pet is
on top of Lily-Pad who is lying on the ground, licking her face.
Lily-Pad in caption: “To this day I still don’t know exactly
what it is!”
Crazy Pet: Arck! Arck!
Lily-Pad: Aww, you’re adorable! Maybe a bit cranky but
that’s probably just because you’re hungry.
Crazy Pet: Eh?
Lily-Pad: Come to my kitchen.
3 – Lily-Pad leading
the crazy pet to the kitchen.
Lily-Pad: This is where humans store their food. We keep the
cold stuff in the fridge…
4 – Lily-Pad opening
the fridge. Crazy pet sniffing around.
Lily-Pad: And you look like an ice cream lover to me.
Page 5
1 – Lily-Pad feeds
the crazy pet a spoonful of ice cream.
Lily-Pad: Here you go Lil’ Buddy!
Crazy pet: Nom!
2 – The crazy pet is
dreaming about dancing in an ice cream land.
Lily-Pad in Caption: “I taught Lil’ Buddy that love is a
beautiful thing. Even if that love is just for ice cream.”
3 – Crazy pet leaps
into the bowl full of ice cream. Licking everything.
Crazy pet: Ahhhh deliciousssss!
Lily-Pad: I knew you’d love it! Just don’t get brain freeze!
4 – Lily-Pad washing
up in the sink. The crazy pet lying on its back, a little fatter now.
Lily-Pad: We’re going to have so much fun together Lil’ Buddy!
Crazy pet: Meh.
Page 6
1 – Lily-Pad now scrapbooking
in her living room. The crazy pet, now officially called Lil’ Buddy, can be
seen next to her. The front door to the house is in sight.
Lily-Pad in Caption: “After the excitement of finding Lil’
Buddy, my day went back to normal. Well, that is until I heard a knock at my
SFX: Knock, knock, knock.
2 – Lily-Pad opening
the door.
Lily-Pad: Um…hi?
3 – Grandma (Mabel
Monstruo) and her granddaughter (Marcella Monstruo) are standing on Lily-Pad’s
Mabel Monstruo: Hello dearie. I am Mabel Monstruo and this
is my granddaughter, Marcella.
4 – Marcella Monstruo
looking kinda evil next to her ‘sweet’ grandma.
Marcella Monstruo: We’re your new neighbours!
5 – Mabel passing
Lily-Pad a plate of homemade cookies. Marcella giggling next to her.
Mabel: As you and my granddaughter are about the same age,
we thought we’d surprise you with a batch of my freshly baked chocolate chip
cookies. My recipe dates back generations you know.
Lily-Pad: I love chocolate chip! Thank you so much!
6 – Mabel and Marcella
turning to leave the porch.
Mabel: Oh you’re welcome my dear. I am just hoping that you
and Marcella will become the best of friends.
Marcella: See you at school!
Page 7
1 – Mabel and
Marcella walking through Lily-Pad’s front garden.
Marcella: Hee hee, do you really think she bought it?
Mabel: Of course she did sweet-pea. Just wait for it.
2 – Mabel and
Marcella laughing hysterically. Lily-Pad’s speech bubble coming from the closed
front door.
Lily-Pad: Oh nooo! These aren’t chocolate chip cookies!
They’re… they’re raisin!
Mabel and Marcella: HAHAHAHAHA!
3 – Panel returns to
Lily-Pad who is in her living room, pouring the rest of the cookies in Lil’
Buddy’s open mouth.
Lily-Pad: I can’t believe my new neighbours tricked me!
Maybe those raisin cookies were an honest mistake. I mean, they really did look
like chocolate chip.
4 – Lily-Pad chatting
to Mabel who is on the opposite side of a picket fence, dressed in gardening
gear and planting flowers.
Lily-Pad in Caption: “Days passed and my new neighbours
seemed nice enough! I decided to let go of the cookie incident.”
Lily-Pad: Hi Mabel! What are you planting?
Mabel: Oh just your regular garden flowers, my dear.
Everything from roses to sunflowers.
Page 8
1 – Its night time
and Lily-Pad is once again using binoculars to observe the world from her
bedroom window. Marcella flying out of her bedroom window.
Lily-Pad in caption: “Then something strange happened. I was
looking out at the night sky and I saw Marcella sneak out of her bedroom window
in a colourful costume.”
2 – Lily-Pad speaking
to Lil’ Buddy who is sitting on the windowsill.
Lily-Pad: Did you see that? Marcella can fly!
Lil’ Buddy: Iccce Creeaaam.
3 – Lily-Pad hopping
into bed. Lil’ Buddy on her pillow.
Lily-Pad: I can’t sneak out and follow her. Then I’ll just
get myself into trouble! There is something that I can do though.
4 – Lily-Pad
Lily-Pad: I am going to uncover the secret that my new
neighbours are hiding by keeping a scrapbook. It’ll be like a collection of
clues. Anything weird that I see them do I’ll log!
Lil’ Buddy: Yawn.
5 – Lily-Pad hugging
Lil’ Buddy.
Lily-Pad: You can help by passing me my glitter glue and
stuff! We’ll resolve this mystery in no time!
Lil’ Buddy: Meh.
Page 9
1 – Lily-Pad using a
magnifying glass to read her scrapbook.
Lily-Pad in caption: “Well, it took maybe a little bit of
time. It was now a whole month later and my scrapbook was only half-full. I had
photos, newspaper clippings and tons of drawings.”
2 – Lil’ Buddy is now
really big. Eating a whole cake.
Lily-Pad in caption: “The only thing that really changed is
that Lil’ Buddy became Big Buddy. He couldn’t stop eating!”
Big Buddy: I like ice cream cake!
3 – Lily-Pad looking slightly
puzzled at her scrapbook.
Lily-Pad: Big Buddy, come and look at
4 – Panel focused on
the open scrapbook. Recent newspaper clippings show monsters attacking the
Lily-Pad in caption: “I had noticed something important.”
Lily-Pad: Recently there’s been a whole lot of monsters
attacking our beloved city of Saintsville.
5 – Zoomed in on
Marcella, a mini costumed figure, who is always there when a monster attacks.
Lily-Pad in caption: “Like, really important.”
Lily-Pad: All of these photos show a costumed figure just
next to the monster. And it looks just like Marcella to me!
Page 10
1 – Lily-Pad knocking
on Marcella’s front door.
Lily-Pad in caption: “The next day I went to confront
Marcella. I went over to her house when I knew Mabel was at the shops. I
thought it might be easier if Marcella’s Grandma wasn’t there.”
SFX: Knock, knock, knock.
2 – Marcella opening
the front door.
Marcella: Lily-Pad! What do you want?
Lily-Pad: I think you’re keeping a secret, Marcella. I also
think I know what it is.
3 – Marcella looks
Lily-Pad: I’ve seen you sneaking out of your room dressed in
a colourful costume. I know you can fly! Every time a monster attacks the city,
you’re there! So I want to ask you a question.
Marcella: Go on.
4 – Lily-Pad looking
Lily-Pad: Are you a superhero?
Page 11
1 – Marcella looking
Marcella: A-a superhero? You think I’ve been trying to save
the day?
Lily-Pad: Yes.
2 – Marcella crying
with laughter.
Marcella: HAHAHAHA! Oh that’s a good one, Lily-Pad.
Lily-Pad: Huh? I wasn’t joking!
3 – Marcella looking
serious again.
Marcella: Superheroes are an insult to my family.
Lily-Pad: So…you’re not a superhero?
4 – Marcella looking
Marcella: My Grandma was once the great Ms Mash. She led a super
villain team known as the ‘Monsters who Smash’.
Lily-Pad: Ms Mash and the Monsters who Smash? That’s
Page 12
1 – Marcella angry
that Lily-Pad insulted her Grandma. Marcella’s hand is on fire, she’s powering
Lily-Pad in caption: “Apparently Ms Mash and the Monsters
who Smash were not a joke. Her Grandma really was a super villain and Marcella
was following in her footsteps. I found that out a little too late.”
Marcella: You’re a fool, Lily-Pad!
2 – Marcella blasts
Lily-Pad across her front lawn. The blast makes Lily-Pad fly through the air.
Marcella: Don’t ever darken my doorstep again!
Lily-Pad: AHHHH!
3 – Lily-Pad lying on
the ground.
Lily-Pad in caption: “Upon reflection I should have known
that my new neighbours were truly evil.”
Lily-Pad: Ouch.
4 – Flashback to the
cookie incident.
Lily-Pad in caption: “Mabel and Marcella Monstruo had tried
to poison me with their freshly baked cookies.”
Lily-Pad: Raisins? Bleh!
5 – A panel full of
man-eating plants in the front lawn of Mabel and Marcella’s house.
Lily-Pad in caption: “And the roses and sunflowers that I saw
Mabel plant turned out to be man-eating traps. Yet, the Monstruos still ended
up winning the garden of the year reward. My Mum was not happy.”
Page 13
1 – Lily-Pad sitting
sadly on her porch deck. Big Buddy snuggled up to her.
Lily-Pad: “I felt deflated. My new neighbours were super
villains and there was nothing I could do about it. Well, at least that’s what
I thought.”
2 – The Bonester
cycling by Lily-Pad’s porch on his tricycle. Suitcase in hand.
The Bonester: Lily-Pad? What’s up?
Lily-Pad: My neighbours are evil and keep summoning monsters
to attack the city.
3 – The Bonester
looking delighted.
The Bonester: Woah, that’s awesome!
Lily-Pad: No. No it is not awesome. I need to defeat them but
I don’t know how. I don’t have any superpowers.
4 – Bonester looking
at Big Buddy.
The Bonester: You’ve got that ugly dog.
Lily-Pad: Hey - Big Buddy is not ugly! And I don’t think
he’s a dog. I don’t really know what he is.
Big Buddy: Grrrr.
5 – Lily-Pad looking
at the Bonester’s suitcase.
Lily-Pad: Why do you have a suitcase?
The Bonester: Oh no reason really. I’m just about to sneak
into the one and only POWER PUNCH BOOT CAMP! Hahahaha!
6 – Lily-Pad
Lily-Pad in caption: “That gave me an idea.”
Lily-Pad: Have you got room for one more on that trike?
The Bonester: For you I do! Hop on, baby!
Lily-Pad: Eww.
Page 14
1 – Lily-Pad is at
the back of the Bonester’s trike, the Bonester is racing and Lily-Pad is
Lily-Pad in Caption: “I had a really good reason to go to
Power Punch Boot Camp. Two really good reasons.”
Lily-Pad: You’re cycling like a maniac, Bonester!
The Bonester: Thanks! I try my best!
2 – Lily-Pad waving
goodbye to the Bonester at the gates of Power Punch Boot Camp.
The Bonester: Well, we’re here at camp! Best be seeing ya,
little Lil!
Lily-Pad: Thanks again, Bonester!
3 – Lily-Pad knocking
at a log cabin which has a sign reading ‘Camp Master’ above the door.
Lily-Pad in Caption: “The first reason I needed to go to
camp was to meet the famous Camp Master. If anyone knew anything about Ms Mash
and the Monsters who Smash it would be him.”
SFX: Knock, knock, knock.
4 – The Camp Master
opening the door.
Camp Master: Why, hello there! How can I help you today?
Lily-Pad: Hello Camp Master, sir! I am here to ask you if
you know anything about the super villain, Ms Mash.
5 – Camp Master with
narrowed eyes.
Camp Master: Ms Mash is by far one of the most fearsome
Busters that we ever did raise here at Power Punch Boot Camp! I hope your paths
have not crossed?
Lily-Pad: Mabel -
I mean - Ms Mash is my new neighbour. Her granddaughter, Marcella, is now
following in her evil footsteps.
6 – Camp Master is enthusiastic,
he is more than happy to share his knowledge of Ms Mash.
Camp Master: That is most unfortunate news. Ms Mash telepathically
controlled ferocious monsters and used them to attack the city. Nobody ever
found out her reasons behind these attacks but luckily we had great superheroes
who saved the day!
Lily-Pad: Superheroes? Hmm. Thanks for all of your help,
Camp Master!
Page 15
1 – Lily-Pad walking
down a campsite path.
Lily-Pad in caption: “The Camp Master confirmed what I was
already thinking. I had to hero up in order to take down the Monstruos!”
Lily-Pad in thought bubble: If only there was a way to get
superpowers without the need for radioactive bugs or toxic waste.
2 – Lily-Pad walks
past a glowing cabin.
Lily-Pad in caption: “That was the second reason for my trip
to Power Punch Boot Camp.”
Lily-Pad in thought bubble: Flashing lights? The smell of
potions in the air? Interesting.
3 – Lily-Pad entering
the cabin. A couple of campers in lab coats playing with potions.
Lily-Pad in caption: “I needed a secret origin story.”
Lily-Pad: Hey, what are you guys doing in here?
Science-y camper 1: That’s classified.
4 – Lily-Pad
examining the potions.
Lily-Pad: I’m hoping by classified you mean you’re somehow
bottling superpowers?
Science-y camper 2: Maybe. Why does it matter to you?
5 – Lily-Pad showing
the science campers her scrapbook.
Lily-Pad in caption: “I told them everything, from the
cookies of poison to Marcella blasting me across her front garden.”
Lily-Pad: So I really need superpowers as it's the only way
I’ll even stand a chance at defeating the Monstruos! Please, please, please
help me!
6 – A science-y
camper passing Lily-Pad a potion.
Science-y camper 3: Here. Drink this one.
Lily-Pad: Yay! Thank you so much!
Page 16
1 – Lily-Pad drinking
the potion outside the cabin.
Lily-Pad in caption: “After drinking the potion I felt
amazing, extraordinary, incredible, invincible…basically all of the adjectives.”
Lily-Pad: I can feel the power growing inside of me!
2 – Back inside of
the science-y cabin. The campers speaking.
Science-y camper 1: Did you just give her my orange juice?
Science-y camper 2: Yep.
3 – Similar to panel
Science-y camper 1: Does she know it’s just orange juice?
Science-y camper 2: Nope.
4 – Lily-Pad back at
her home, sewing. Big Buddy has a ball of wool in his mouth.
Lily-Pad in caption: “Thanks to the potion I was finally
ready to battle the Monstruos. I just needed a costume.”
Lily-Pad: One stitch here and another stitch there and
voilĂ !
5 – Lily-Pad looking
mighty, wearing a mask and a cape over her ordinary outfit.
Lily-Pad: I’m a real life superhero now! Complete with
powers and a costume!
6 – Lily-Pad tying a
mask and cape around Big Buddy.
Lily-Pad: And what is a superhero without a sidekick? Come
here Big Buddy!
Big Buddy: Oh no.
Page 17
1 – Lily-Pad and
Marcella standing opposite each other outside in the street.
Lily-Pad in caption: “I stepped outside of my house and
Marcella was already there waiting for me.”
Lily-Pad: I’m sorry it had to come to this but I can’t let
you or your Grandma hurt this city again!
Marcella: We’re not trying to hurt it, we’re trying to…
never mind.
2 – Marcella fully
powered up.
Marcella: I’ve been waiting to fight you ever since we first
Lily-Pad: I’m glad I have that effect on people.
3 – Lily-Pad punches
Lily-Pad in caption: “I felt mighty even though I had no
idea what powers that citrus flavoured potion had given me.”
Lily-Pad: So sorry!
Marcella: Ow!
4 – Marcella flying
in the air, Lily-Pad looking up.
Lily-Pad in caption: “I knew it wasn’t super strength as my
punch hardly hurt Marcella.”
Marcella: That was a very lucky hit!
Lily-Pad: Hey – I’m new to this whole superhero thing,
Page 18
1 – Marcella blasting
fire from her hands, Lily-Pad surrounded in a circle of flames.
Lily-Pad in caption: “Marcella then circled me with a wall
of burning flames. That’s when I realised the potion didn’t give me the ability
to fly or produce ice.”
Marcella: You should just give up now, Lily-Pad!
Lily-Pad: You know I can’t do that!
2 – Marcella
summoning a Godzilla like monster.
Lily-Pad in caption: “And it definitely didn’t let me grow one
hundred times my height or allow me to magically manipulate reality.”
Marcella: Then be prepared to become this hungry monster’s
Lily-Pad: Uh oh!
3 – The monster’s
foot is about to stomp on Lily-Pad and the fiery ring that surrounds her.
Lily-Pad in caption: “When I realised that the potion I
drank must have been a dud I did the only thing that I could have done. I
called for a friend.”
Lily-Pad shouting: Big Buddy! Help me!
4 – Big Buddy comes
flying in, pushes away the monster’s foot.
Lily-Pad in caption: “I always knew that Big Buddy would
make the perfect sidekick!”
Page 19
1 – The monster is
lying on the ground and the flames have been extinguished. Lily-Pad and
Marcella are once again opposite each other, looking like tiny ants in
comparison to the monster.
Marcella: This isn’t over.
2 – Mabel enters.
Dressed in her old Ms Mash costume.
Mabel: I’ll help you, Marcella. Time for some Granny/Granddaughter
bonding time!
3 – Mabel spots Big
Mabel: Pinkie? Is it…is it really you?
4 – Big Buddy
grinning at the sight of Mabel, his old owner. The two have finally been
reunited. Lily-Pad in disbelief.
Big Buddy: Mama!
Lily-Pad: Mama?
5 – Mabel hugging Big
Buddy, Big Buddy licking her face.
Mabel: Oh, I lost you years and years ago now but I never
stopped looking for you.
Page 20
1 – Flashback to when
Mabel was Ms Mash and was walking Big Buddy down the street.
Lily-Pad in caption: “Ready for a flashback within a
flashback? Well, we were all standing in the street a little bit confused and
so Mabel told us how she used to be Big Buddy’s owner. She had named him Pinkie!”
2 – Big Buddy chasing
an ice cream van.
Lily-Pad in caption: “They were as happy as could be until
one day Big Buddy ran away chasing an ice cream van.”
3 – Ms Mash launching
a monster invasion in the City of Saintsville.
Lily-Pad in caption: “Mabel had her Monsters who Smash
search the whole city for Big Buddy but he was nowhere to be found. The people
of Saintsville confused Big Buddy’s search party for an attack!”
4 – Ms Mash crying as
Big Buddy was nowhere to be found.
Lily-Pad in caption: “Mabel was labelled a super villain and
was forced to move out of the city.”
Page 21
1 – Flashback to
Mabel and Marcella talking to Lily-Pad on her porch for the first time. (Page
6, panel 3)
Lily-Pad in caption: “Now retired, Mabel decided to return
to the City of Saintsville with Marcella and continue the search for Big
2 – Back to the classroom,
the kids all engrossed in Lily-Pad’s story. Lily-Pad taking questions.
Classroom kid 1: What happened once you reunited Mabel and
Big Buddy?
3 – Lily-Pad and
Mabel discussing the fate of Big Buddy who is sitting in between them.
Lily-Pad in caption: “Well, I knew that it wouldn’t be fair
for me to keep Big Buddy as a pet.”
Lily-Pad: Big Buddy – I mean, Pinkie, belongs with you,
Mabel: Thank you my dear. And thank you for taking such good
care of him in my absence.
4 – Mabel stroking
Big Buddy.
Mabel: Now, no damage has been done here! Let’s all go back
to my house for some cake!
Big Buddy: Cake! Cake! Cake!
5 – Ariel shot of the
completely wrecked street. The monster is still lying there, the road has been
burnt by the ring of fire, trees/mailboxes/telephone lines broken. There
clearly has been some damage. Mabel, Big Buddy, Marcella and Lily-Pad on their
way for cake.
Lily-Pad: As long as the cake is raisin free, count me in!
Page 22
1 – Back at the
classroom show and tell. Focus is on Lily-Pad.
Lily-Pad: So the summer which began with evil new neighbours
turned out to be amazing!
2 – Lily-Pad,
Marcella, Mabel and Big Buddy eating cake.
Lily-Pad in caption: “I ended up going to the Monstruo’s
house a lot which meant I still got to see Big Buddy!”
3 – Lily-Pad and
Marcella playing together.
Lily-Pad in caption: “My enemy turned into my best friend!”
4 – Mabel giving
Lily-Pad Daisy as a birthday gift.
Lily-Pad in caption: “And we even celebrated my birthday all
together! Mabel grew Daisy in her garden of man-eating plants just for me.”
5 – Lily-Pad
finishing her story. Tickling Daisy.
Lily-Pad: Which reminds me, Mabel just said to tickle Daisy
whenever she traps someone. It’ll set them free!
6 – Daisy has
released the teacher. Lily-Pad grinning. Teacher a bit wet and annoyed.
Teacher: Well… I think that’s it for show and tell today,
Lily-Pad: But wait! I forgot to tell you the best bit. I…
Be Continued…
I hope you enjoyed SHOW AND TELL #1! I am hoping to post the second issue very soon so please check back for updates!
I am also currently devloping a YouTube channel all about my comic book writing! I hope to vlog any progress I make and any top tips that I learn along the way!
As always, thanks for reading!
- Ellie x